Good morning, its 6:40am Week 1, Day 4.I woke up early this morning to a familiar feeling, a rumbling in my stomach that was a regular visitor to me during my time in China. In addition I had a sizeable hangover from tequila and XX ambar, (not necesarily in that order). Our bathrooms, if you didn't know are not much more than glorified outhouses equipped with 'fill your own bucket up with water flush' and 'squat over the toilet seat hope you don't miss.'

And from this state, I realized that this is the happiest moment of my life. Este momento es el mas contento de mi vida.
I want to tell you all (mom, dad, Colin, my friends) that I LOVE YOU.
...until our next embrace
From the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
- This is me exactly as I want to be.
***Thanks Colin for the courtesy bucket imagery.
5 comentarios:
[ Comment deleted above because I misplaced a comma, that slut. ]
Hi Brian,
I made up a new word: Schadenfreudehiltonparty, which, translated from the German, means, "a celebration of Paris Hilton's deserved misfortune."
Just wanted to catch you up on the important news: Paris Hilton went to jail, then they let her out of jail, then they put her back in the next day. Substitute the pronoun 'they' in the above sentence for 'we' or 'those bastards' -- depending on your preference for People magazine and Martha Stewart.
So, consider yourself unlucky to be missing this important moment in our future cultural history while you're over in communist land.
This is a good first blog, but please do a better job of illustrating your posts.
Ola Puta,
What's shakin? How long are you gonna be in Mexico? Are you travelling to other cities after Chiapaz?
NICE! Happy Bday!
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