So what the hell, I'm writing a blog about it. As you can see in the photos, the party started early. Because I pretty much have the best reason for not drinking on my 21st. Alcohol is prohibited inside Zapatista communities. And that's where I'll be tomorrow, good ol'e OVENTIC. No matter... we went out last night for what should be dubbed "Grandpa's B-day Dance Party" I would have invited every one of you but, of course I'm not gonna pay for your ticket, So... I am sorry. Our once in a lifetime opportunity has been crushed.
And it really is a big deal. Now the only days I have to look forward to are 25:Damn all my friends are getting married, 30:I am going to be bald "thanks Slugger", 50:I trip over the hill into a nose-dive to my death, and 99:I just couldn't stay alive long enough for that letter from the president.
But the Chinese in me is really saying, "我希望是一万年!"
So we, (the S-club 7) *for Colin*, started off the night at Tampoco. Of course that flaming mess

Anyways, my pre-bday party was awesome, and I only threw up *just a little bit* But lets not wait for birthdays to celebrate, lets do it now. Este momento es sagrado.

Char & Miles Amy Teresita Chris
luv ya lots...
2 comentarios:
brown bombs dropping in the andes...calle 127 y carrera 9
good to see you're having a great time, write me back some time
cheaaa boyyyyy, lets make love tonight under the sycamore tree to veeeektoorrr vaugnnn
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